Supported by the Commonwealth Home Support Program (often referred to as CHSP or pronounced ‘chisp’), Carer and Community SA offers a range of low-cost services for people over 65 whether they are in a caring role or just need a little help to remain living independently at home.
Access to Carer and Community SA services is by referral, after assessment by the MyAgedCare. You must register with them and then once assessed, you will be provided with a code, which enables you to access services from Carer and Community SA.
The aim of CHSP is to delay, or altogether avoid the need to move to more complex forms of aged care. Services can be low intensity on a short-term or ongoing basis, e.g cleaning or gardening. The goal is to maximise ability to remain at home and in the community, enhancing wellbeing and quality of life.
Carer and Community SA is supported to deliver the Community Home Support Program through funding from the Australian Government Department of Health.

We can discuss your needs, and tailor something for you...
Carer and Community SA Services: East and South
Taking a planned and regular break from your caring role is essential. CHSP respite is provided to the person who needs care, enabling the carer to take a break. Carer and Community SA can help by providing :
- In-home a daytime service, supporting people in their own familiar surroundings. A care worker will come to the home and take on the caring role, providing the carer with a break. Clients have the freedom to choose what activities within their home they would like to complete in their allocated respite time. Some activities include, but are not limited to, painting, playing board games, potting plants (base on client's ability) watching television etc.
- Home Flexible Respite
Social connections
Maintaining or developing links within the local community can be more challenging as you age due to transport issues or health conditions. Social connection is essential for good mental health and reduces the negative effects of isolation. Carer and Community SA can assist with social connections in many ways such as:
Social Support Individual
Providing individual companionship, either within the home or help to get out and access the community. Community access may be social or hobby group, shopping, completing errands or having a coffee and a chat.
Social Support Groups
Monthly outings for fun - engagement for a little bit of food on the side. Come out with groups in the East and South to enjoy yourself and get connected.
Help around the home - Domestic Assistance
Maintaining a safe, secure and healthy home environment can be hard due to health issues, either short term or long term. Carer and Community SA encourages people to keep doing as much as they can and want to do, however can support a care worker to complete the tasks that have become too difficult. Assistance is provided with cleaning, laundry, or the shops, but services are tailored to the needs of the person, call now to discuss your options.
Carer and Community SA encourages people to keep doing as much as they can and want to. We understand that you may need some help from time to time. We can support you with lawn mowing, gutter and window cleaning and other supports to keep you off your ladder and ensure you are safe.